Monday, November 7, 2011

POST #1 "Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Digital Youth"

Nowadays, with Internet, everyone can have access to everything only by a simple “click”. When someone accesses to Internet, he/she can easily pretend to be someone else by created a false account. It might seem fun, but we have to be careful.

As Gardner says, we have to be aware of five factors while using digital medias: identity, privacy, trustworthy, ownership and credibility. Those are all part of ethic that people should respect. Gardner says that young people know about what is ethical or not, but they do not always apply or care about it. I think that, when we are young, those things don’t seem to affect us and we don’t care about the consequences of what we do. We just do as we want, without wondering about the repercussions of it.

Howard Gardner says that with the new digital media era, teachers are becoming less of a role model for students: they are perceived as being coaches. Before, teachers were at the center of students’ education; they were responsible for almost everything they would learn.  In today’s society, where we have more access to technology than before, teachers are using a lot of tools like blogs, forums, e-portfolios, webquests, and others to monitor students’ learning. They are not the center of the students’ learning anymore, but they cooperate to it by leading them to use tools.  
Here is a link to "Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Digital Youth"


  1. Good post Audray!

    I agree with you when you say that Internet is really easy to access and that users can write under an identity that isn't theirs. I also agree with the fact that the teachers' role is to help him instead of showing him how to use digital medias.

  2. I totally agree with you concerning the fact that nowadays, teachers are no longer seen as professionals that know eveything. They are now seeing as facilitators. They still teach to students, but they also guide them in their learning process.
